
How To Remove Hard Water Stains From Granite

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Want to remove those stubborn difficult water stains from your granite counter tops? Our elementary tutorial gets the job done without using any harsh chemicals.

When I tidied upwards and decorated my kitchen sink area, I really noticed the hard water stains around my faucets.

My house cleaning style is probably best described every bit clean enough.

Cleaning doesn't exactly "spark joy" for me. ?

So while my kitchen sink and counters are wiped down and sanitized daily, some tasks don't get my attention very often.

Showroom A:

kitchen sink faucet with hard water stains on granite

I'thousand a little embarrassed by how much I let information technology build up. I honestly couldn't call back the last time I removed the hard h2o stains in my kitchen!

The best solution for hard water stains and mineral deposits is to consistently dry whatever areas that get moisture.

Only I have three kids and a married man who aren't specially diligent with those types of requests.?

And if I'm existence totally honest, I'm just as much of a culprit!

Who has time to wipe downwardly the kitchen faucets every. single. fourth dimension. a little water splashes around them?!

Non me.

You need to be careful with granite because most cleaners fabricated for hard water stains are too harsh and can harm natural stone.

Which is why I rely on my difficult water stain secret weapon: a pumice stone.

Caution: Be sure to check with your granite installer or test using the pumice rock in an inconspicuous area to be certain it doesn't scratch your rock!

pumice stone

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Pumice stones are also slap-up to get rid of those rings in your toilet. But brand sure you accept a dissever rock for bathroom utilise… ? That's why I buy them in a multi-pack.

After y'all've confirmed it's safe to use a pumice stone on your granite, just follow these unproblematic steps.

Steps to Remove Hard H2o Stains and Deposits

Either terminate upwardly your sink so that yous can take a basin of water or get a pocket-size bucket of h2o.

pipes and hoses under kitchen sink draining into plastic container

Plough off the water that runs to your sink.

There should be a shut-off valve under your kitchen sink. In my kitchen, I have to turn off both the hot and the cold water lines.

Then turn on your faucets to permit whatever h2o still in the line to drain.

Next loosen the fittings nether your sink and so that you can lift the sprayer, taps, and faucet away from the granite.

pipes and tubes under a kitchen sink

You lot may need to actually remove the handles before you tin lift the fittings away from the counter.

My handles have a trivial screw that needs to exist loosened (run across that pigsty?).

kitchen sink faucet with hard water stains on granite

I needed to use this piddling allen wrench to loosen the screw

small allen wrench lying on granite counter
kitchen sink faucet with hard water stains on granite

Then I needed to loosen that bolt plus one under the sink to get the cap to elevator abroad from the counter.

kitchen sink with handle removed and wrench to remove the ring

Echo the steps for your other handle and the faucet and then that they all elevator upwardly from the counter surface.

The rings for my faucets merely barely lifted upward only it was plenty for me to get the area cleaned with the pumice rock.

Then, using a wet pumice rock, merely go to boondocks scrubbing the hard water stains abroad!

The pumice stone will break down every bit you lot apply it because information technology is much softer than the granite.

I also cleaned the corner seam forth the back of the sink area.

That powder you come across is the pumice stone remnants. Information technology is pretty satisfying to do in a weird sort of fashion…

kitchen sink faucet with hard water stains on granite

Apply a sponge or washcloth to wipe abroad the grit to encounter how you're doing and if any difficult water stains need a little actress work.

kitchen sink faucet after removing hard water stains on granite
kitchen sink faucet with hard water stains on granite

Once you're satisfied that the difficult h2o stains are gone, reattach everything yous loosened up and plough the water dorsum on to your sink lines.

kitchen sink faucet after removing hard water stains on granite

Before and Later Pics!

To give you an thought of how much a pumice stone breaks down, bank check out what happened to mine:

That trivial nub that'due south left is possibly an inch long and it started out most 4-inches long!

And hither's a picture for comparing. The process took most an hr from start to finish because of the time to loosen up the fittings. Bye goodbye, hard water stains!

What do you retrieve? Let me know if you give this tip a try! If you have whatever questions or suggestions, contact me or leave a comment. Follow us over on Instagram and Facebook to run into everything we're up to.

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