
How Much To Remove Carpet And Install Wood


In this guide

Carpet Removal Price by Location
Labor Cost to Remove Carpet
Cost of Carpet Removal and Disposal
Toll to Tear Out Rug and Install New Flooring
Price to Remove Carpet and Smoothen Floorboards
Signs That Your Carpeting Needs To Be Removed
Enhancement and Comeback Costs
Boosted Considerations

Carpet Removal Cost by Location

Depending on the location where you want to remove the rug, yous can look to pay between $0.l and $3.x per sq. ft. for a carpet removal project. The exact cost depends on the location of the removal. Every area of the home has a different shape. Information technology will take a unlike amount of time and effort to remove an one-time carpet from each space. These variances affect the removal cost. Below are the almost common areas where carpet is removed, and the cost homeowners pay for it.

Cost per Sq. Ft. to Remove Carpet from Harwood, Concrete, Bedroom, Basement, and Stairs

Cost per Sq. Ft. to Remove Carpet from Harwood, Concrete, Bedroom, Basement, and Stairs.

Location Price per Sq. Ft. (Materials and Labor)
Hardwood $0.fifty - $0.75
Physical $0.fifty - $one.fifty
Bedroom $0.50 - $ane.50
Basement $1 - $1.l
Stairs $one - $iii.10

Removing Carpet From Hardwood

Homeowners typically pay between $0.50 and $0.75 per sq. ft. to remove a carpet from hardwood flooring. The carpet removal procedure is similar to the other surfaces, with contractors starting from the corner and going towards the center. Once the padding  i is removed and the hardwood exposed, many homeowners determine to refinish the hardwood underneath the carpet instead of replacing it completely. If you're doing this, y'all need to exist very careful during the removal to avoid cutting the floors and damaging them. The surface area will be sanded  2 , stained, and covered with a h2o-based polyurethane finish to render its erstwhile shine. This process typically costs betwixt $850 and $ane,260 for a 200 sq. ft. room.

Removing Carpet From Concrete

The procedure of removing carpet from concrete is similar to whatsoever other surface and costs between $0.l and $1.50 per sq. ft. The contractor will cut the rug into several smaller sections, pull information technology back starting from the corner, and and so remove the staples and padding underneath. If the carpeting is glued down, they may also use a scraping tool, boiling h2o, or a glue remover to completely remove the balance that remains below it. Since concrete is a tougher surface, you don't have to worry about damaging it like other surfaces.

Removing Carpet From Chamber

If you desire to remove the old carpet from your chamber, you tin can wait to pay $0.50 to $i.l per sq. ft. To do this, you would offset demand to remove the bed and any other furniture in the room. And then, the contractor will follow the aforementioned removal procedure as in other areas. In near cases, removing carpet from bedrooms is non a challenging task. If the room has more corners or an odd shape, the cost to remove the carpet increases considering the chore is more complex.

Remove Carpet From Basement Flooring

Removing carpets in basements costs anywhere between $one and $1.50 per sq. ft. Basements typically contain more mold and dust than other places in the habitation, so carpets need to be replaced more frequently in these areas. To remove the carpet, the contractor will use pliers to detach the carpet from the walls and and so start pulling it upward along the wall towards the middle. Afterward you have off the padding, cheque to see if there is mold or grit stuck underneath the carpeting and remove it before installing new floor.

Toll to Remove Carpeting From Stairs

If stairs are involved, well-nigh contractors typically charge a flat rate of $7 to $20 for each step. Every bit the typical carpet used for stairs is 48'' x 30'', the average cost per sq. ft. is $one to $3.10 per square pes  3 . The higher cost can be attributed to the fact that stairs accept more individual corners, making carpet removal more time-consuming. The contractor will typically remove the carpeting and staples, strip the stain from the threads, and sand the threads to polish out the surface and prepare it for the new floor.

Compare prices from carpet removal services near y'all

Labor Price to Remove Carpeting

Labor costs to remove rug range from $0.50 to $1.50 per sq. ft. This price includes both the removal and the disposal of the rug. Expect a higher labor charge if your surface area has high disposal fees or you live a good distance from the nearest landfill. When calculating the cost per sq. ft., contractors assume yous have a foursquare or rectangular-shaped room, simply if your room has an odd shape with more corners, they may accuse more to remove a carpet from it.

Contractors will kickoff in one corner of your room past cutting a small-scale slit in the carpet using a utility pocketknife. This opening allows them to "grab" onto your carpeting and tug it loose from its tacking strips. Subsequently loosening the carpet from one wall, they begin pulling or dragging the rug toward the heart of the room.

It can take ane to two hours to completely remove the carpet and padding from an average-sized room. This does non include the time spent moving furniture or clearing out the space. If the carpet removal specialists need to motion piece of furniture abroad to remove the carpet, this adds $1.fifty to $two per sq. yd. to the overall removal toll.

Toll to Remove Glue-Down Carpet

Removing a glued-down carpet is more expensive than removing 1 held with strips or staples, typically adding $iii to $5 per sq. yd. or $0.33 to $0.56 per foursquare foot to the full project cost. To remove a glued rug, your contractor will start past cutting off pieces of the carpet. Every bit the glue will remain below it, they may use a scraping tool or a sharp object to remove the concrete adhesive and so utilise hot water to soften the glue that remains. Even after applying water, at that place will nonetheless exist glue stuck to the floor, which will be wiped with a chemical mucilage remover. To stop removing the carpet completely, the contractor will sand the expanse to remove the mucilage and flatten the surface.

Cost To Remove Carpet And Pad

Removing carpet costs between $0.50 and $ane.l per sq. ft., which includes removing both the carpet and the padding under information technology and disposing of the rug subsequently. Once the contractor removes the carpet, some chunks of the padding will remain on the floor. Those pieces will exist removed along with the staples that held information technology in identify. You do not need to have someone remove the tack strips. However, inspect them for signs of damage. If the strips are rusted, take rotten wood, or are delaminated, your contractor should remove and replace them besides.

In nearly cases, but tiny holes remain after removing carpeting tack strips or staples. Covering over these holes will non affect how your new carpeting looks. All the same, when larger holes remain, you lot might demand to take them filled with forest putty offset. Information technology takes only a few seconds to fill a hole with putty. Your contractor will probably not accuse you anything extra for this.

Toll of Carpet Removal and Disposal

Most contractors assume they will also be responsible for hauling off the old carpet and include the disposal cost in the project quote. If yous don't similar the idea of dumping carpet in a landfill, you may want to consider recycling. Through the Carpet America Recovery Attempt (Intendance), you can find a recycling middle near y'all that volition have your one-time carpeting and turn it into everything from furniture to covering shingles  4 . Recycling centers charge anywhere from $0.05 to $0.25 per pound to recycle carpet. With the average rug weighing effectually five pounds per sq. yd., carpet from a 200-sq. ft. room would cost between $2.33 and $11.67 to recycle.

It's possible to donate old rug that is still in skilful shape, sell it to austerity stores for resale, or requite it to charities that help people with abode improvement projects. If you tin't discover an organization to donate it to, you lot tin can list your old carpeting on a site similar Freecycle. Yous can repurpose your old carpet by cut minor squares to utilize equally protective feet for delicate furniture legs or a weed block for your garden. You could also use information technology in various upholstery projects or to create a scratching mail service for a cat.

Cost to Tear Out Carpet and Install New Flooring

Yous can tear out your carpeting and install new flooring afterward. The average removal and installation cost per sq. ft. is $2.50 - $59. Nigh carpet removal contractors specialize in installing other types of flooring after removing your old carpet. If you plan on installing new flooring, brand sure to go a quote for it as well. Below you lot will discover the most common flooring types installed afterward removing an old carpet, forth with their average costs.

Cost per sq.ft. to Remove Carpet and Install Vinyl, Tile, Carpet, Laminate, and Harwood Flooring

Cost per sq.ft. to Remove Carpet and Install Vinyl, Tile, Carpet, Laminate, and Harwood Flooring

New Floor Blazon Toll per Sq. Ft. (Materials and Labor)
Vinyl $2.50 - $14
Tile $3 - $59
Carpet $5 - $14
Laminate $half dozen.50 - $22.50
Hardwood $11 - $42

Price to Remove Carpet and Install Vinyl Floor

Installing vinyl flooring after removing old carpets can cost equally little as $ii.50 per sq. ft. If y'all install canvas vinyl  5 , the toll may be equally high as $14 per square human foot for installing luxury vinyl planks. Vinyl flooring is becoming increasingly popular among homeowners because of its affordability and easy installation. This durable type of floor comes in diverse finishes and textures that don't crave a lot of maintenance. On the downside, vinyl is not equally durable every bit some other types of flooring similar woods or tile, so it will require replacing within 10 or twenty years at most.

Remove Rug And Install Tile

Tile flooring is one of the near expensive flooring types you can install, with the typical carpet removing and tile installing project cost ranging between $10 and $59 per sq. ft. As well being the about expensive, information technology's also one of the most durable flooring types that tin exist installed because of its resistance. If it's properly maintained, tile floor tin can final hundreds of years.

Carpet Removal And Installation Cost

Sometimes, homeowners remove an old carpet to install a new carpet. If yous want to exercise this, expect to spend about $5 to $14 per sq. ft. to accept the sometime carpeting removed and a new one installed after. Carpets are often a floor option for those that want to experiment with colors, patterns, textures, and materials. They too protect from injuries and are more soundproof than other types of floor. Yet, carpet requires much more than maintenance and is easily stained.

When you install carpet, make certain to consider the area on the stairs. Information technology's the area with the highest amount of traffic in the home, causing the carpeting to age faster here. Nevertheless, when the carpet on the stair needs replacement, v or ten years may pass, and the same carpet may not be available in stores. Make sure to buy a replacement carpet for the stairs to maintain the aforementioned look in your home without replacing the carpet flooring throughout the whole house.

Cost To Remove Rug And Install Laminate

If you cull to install laminate floor after removing the old carpet, expect to pay between $six.50 and $22.l per sq. ft. for the overall project. Laminate floor gives the classic expect and warmth of hardwood floor simply is a cheaper alternative. Information technology comes in diverse looks and finishes. However, laminate floor lasts only effectually 10 years, far shorter than hardwood or tile floor, and is very vulnerable to scratches and tears.

Toll Of Removing Rug And Installing Hardwood

Expect to pay between $11 and $42 per square pes  iii to install hardwood floor after removing your onetime carpet. The exact cost depends on the type of wood y'all will cull to install and the thickness of the wood. The cheapest one is pine wood flooring, while the most expensive is walnut and teak hardwood. Hardwood flooring gives a archetype warmth to the space in your abode and is a common choice among homeowners considering of its immovability. On the downside, hardwood floors require a lot of maintenance and can be a costly investment.

Price to Remove Carpet and Polish Floorboards

The toll to remove carpet is $i to $2 per sq. ft. while polishing floorboards costs between $4.25 and $6.30 per foursquare human foot. This means that the overall cost to remove an former carpet, sand  2 the surface area, and add a finish to it will cost you $v.25 to $ per square foot. The contractor will offset by punching and puttying exposed nails and repairing whatsoever damage on the floor. Then, they volition sand the area to flatten information technology. Once they have flattened and sanded the whole flooring forth with its edges and corners, the contractor will apply 2 coats of polish.

Polishing the floorboards gives the flooring a shiny, new expect. This can be washed to both new and old flooring types. The project'south exact price depends on the historic period of the floor, the size of the room, and the type of stain and polish you use.

Carpet and Padding Pulled back in Carpet Removal Process

Signs That Your Rug Needs To Be Removed

Make sure to keep an center on your rug to discover when it needs replacement. Yous may drop nutrient on information technology, spill your beverage, or step on information technology with muddy shoes, for which information technology volition need extensive cleaning. The chemicals used to clean these types of stains will damage the carpet over time, and so it would have to be replaced eventually. Even if the carpet doesn't go dirty, information technology volition go filled with grit particles, mold, and other allergens as you use it, so it will need to be removed and replaced with a new blazon of floor.

Yous tin program to supercede your carpet if it looks worn off, starts smelling bad, has missing or torn pieces in it, or is very stained from all the years using it. More importantly, you lot should urgently replace the carpet if some of your family members are getting sensitive or start having allergic reactions because of the allergens trapped in it.

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Enhancement and Improvement Costs

Subfloor Repair

Repairing an existing subfloor means removing and replacing the damaged section(south). This repair can toll betwixt $500 and $700 for a single room. On the other hand, replacing a subfloor can cost between $1,500 and $one,650 for 300 sq. ft. If your subfloor  6 is in poor condition, you volition demand to have it repaired before laying any new carpeting to keep the floor leveled. You could need a new subfloor if yours has soft spots, mold, h2o impairment, or is sagging in sure areas.

Floor Trim Replacement

Installing or replacing flooring trim tin can cost a homeowner between $0.lx and $ten per linear foot, depending on the textile used and the thickness of the trim. It'southward the material used where the floor meets the walls and around openings similar doors and windows. Information technology'southward not an essential office of the flooring construction but rather an aesthetical detail added to the interior.

Additional Considerations and Costs

  • If you have new carpet installed, y'all volition probably find it more cost-effective to have the same contractor remove your sometime carpeting. Some installers will offer a discount of ten% or more on rug removal services when they are also hired to lay the new rug.
  • Tools such equally a utility knife, extra blades, claw hammer, and pry bar are needed for DIY carpeting removal. If you do not already have these tools on hand, expect to pay between $32 and $lx to purchase them.
  • Some cities have implemented "green building initiatives" to reduce waste from building demolition, dwelling house improvement, and structure projects. If your city has a green edifice initiative, you could be required to recycle your carpet or use only a certified disposal facility when dumping it.
  • In near cases, contractors won't take to remove the trim to install a new carpet. They will simply run the tack strip upwardly to the trim and roll the excess carpet under it.


  • What is the fastest way to remove rug?

In that location is no one method that is faster than some other. Notwithstanding, the projection will go quicker if you lot take another person helping. That individual tin work on the reverse side of the room and then meet you lot in the centre. He or she could also remove old rolls of carpet as they are cutting up, which will let you to continue working.

  • How practice you pull up rug without damaging information technology?

Gently pull rug abroad from the tack strips located but underneath the baseboards next to the wall. Once yous have cleared the tack strips, the residuum of your carpet is unlikely to tear unless it is in very poor condition. Rugs that already take rips or tears in them may not be salvageable.

  • Is information technology like shooting fish in a barrel to remove rug?

Information technology isn't difficult to remove carpet; however, many people do find it boring and time-consuming. Removing rug also requires lots of bending, stooping, and crawling. These are tasks that not anybody is well-suited to do. Many homeowners hire a professional because they would rather not perform the work.

  • Tin I recycle my rug?

You can recycle your carpet through the Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) for around $0.05 to $0.25 per pound.

  • Can I just put my old carpet out on my regular garbage day?

Carpets aren't accustomed on regular garbage pickup days but are taken during bulk trash pickup days. If you can't wait for the majority trash pickup twenty-four hours, you lot can rent a renovation dumpster to quickly throw out all garbage at once.

Remodeling Terms Cheat Canvass

Definitions in laymen's terms, cost considerations, pictures and things you lot demand to know.
See full cheat sheet.

glossary term picture Padding 1 Padding: A cushion placed under a carpet to absorb impact, thus extending the life of the carpet

glossary term picture Sanding 2 Sanded: Procedure of removing the acme surface of a fabric, such as wood, using sandpaper and/or a specialized sanding machine (for large surface areas)

glossary term picture Footing 3 Human foot: A support for the foundation of a house that also helps prevent settling. It is typically made of concrete reinforced with rebar, but can also exist made of masonry or brick. It is ordinarily built under a heavier part of the house like a wall or column, to distribute the weight of the business firm over a larger area.

glossary term picture Shingle 4 Shingles: A smoothen, uniform, flat piece of construction material, available in a wide multifariousness of materials and laid in a serial of overlapping rows, used to cover the outside of roofs or walls to protect against weather damage and leaks.

glossary term picture Vinyl v Vinyl: A synthetic plastic made from ethylene and chlorine. Vinyl has many applications in the construction industry and it is widely used in sidings, window frames, roofing and gutters, among others

glossary term picture Subfloor vi Subfloor: The bottom-most layer of a floor, supported by joists, over which finished floor textile is laid


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