
Do You Have To Remove Linoleum Before Putting Down Laminate

Though linoleum floors are soft to the human foot and depression maintenance, they are as well prone to scratches and sunlight damage. These factors hateful that homeowners often prefer to supersede their linoleum floors with laminate. But does that mean you lot need to remove the old flooring offset?

You lot can install laminate over quondam linoleum flooring, provided the linoleum is make clean and level first. Additionally, the floor should be in good status – with no large cracks or dents – and there should be no wet damage. Installing underlayment beneath the laminate is a must to ensure success.

Laminate floor planks stacked in a pile

The rest of this article will examine considerations you should keep in mind when installing laminate over linoleum, how to install an additional laminate layer and the advantages and disadvantages of choosing laminate instead of linoleum.

Tin can You Lay Laminate Over Linoleum?

Laminate floor installation tools

You can lay laminate over linoleum, and many homeowners do then because information technology's faster and cheaper than ripping up onetime floor. Withal, this volition depend on the stability of the floor, the possible presence of mold or asbestos. If y'all are unsure, call a professional person to go an accurate evaluation.

As well equally laminate, you can likewise lay other floorings, such equally carpet, tile, and hardwood over linoleum. Still, you lot need to proceed the above factors in mind before making any final decisions.

Let's take a closer look at each of these factors below.

Is the Floor Stable?

Sometimes, the subfloor under the linoleum is non stable enough to bear the weight of the underlayment required to prep the surface for laminate installation. This is a common concern if your home is older or was poorly congenital.

In such a state of affairs, it's all-time to showtime install a new subfloor and and so lay down the laminate.

You should be able to see or feel if the floor is unstable. It may nowadays as cracks or creeks, or you may see dents in the linoleum from years of use.

Is At that place Visible Mold?

Mold can be a significant issue on linoleum floors, and before yous start laying down laminate, you demand to confirm that the linoleum is entirely mold-free. If even the slightest bit of mold is nowadays, information technology volition continue to grow under the laminate and damage both your old and new floors.

Mold will not simply swallow into the subfloor only likewise into your new laminate. If you retrieve y'all accept mold, chances are yous will need to remove the linoleum completely before adding over the new underlay and laminate.

Could Yous Have Asbestos?

If the linoleum on your floors dates back before 1986, at that place is a adventure that information technology contains asbestos.

This may come as a surprise, but you practice not demand to call a professional to handle removal if the floor is in good shape. If you lot work safely and encompass information technology well, you tin can do the work on your own.

Even so, if you see dents or cracks to the point that the particles are disturbed, you will need to seek a pro. Offset, take a small-scale sample of the floor and send it to a lab for testing then you can determine whether you need professional help or if y'all tin can handle it yourself.

If it comes back positive, your best bet is to hire a team to safely remove the asbestos for you.

Should You Put Laminate Over Linoleum?

Cutting laminate floor planks

We've established that it's possible to lay laminate over your linoleum, but is it recommended?

You should put laminate over linoleum if you want a more than modern and solid new floor that'due south easy to install. Plus, since it isn't glued down (similar linoleum), changing your floor will be easier down the line. Although, with its long life bridge, it should stand to years of wear and tear.

Laminate and linoleum are surprisingly like floor materials and tin can fifty-fifty exist difficult to tell apart at first glance. Some common factors include:

  • Both are relatively long-lasting and water-resistant.
  • Neither is completely waterproof.
  • Both options are kid and pet-friendly, making them ideal for family unit homes.
  • Both are low-maintenance flooring options, making them a good selection for people who don't take a lot of time to spend on home maintenance.
  • They're available in several different colors and patterns, and so information technology shouldn't exist difficult to find an option that suits your home décor.

With all this in common, you might be wondering why you would desire to cover one with the other.

Every bit with whatever production, there are some differences between these two materials that will play a meaning function in helping yous make up one's mind which is the right option for your needs. These include but are not limited to:

  • Ease of installation
  • The overall look and experience of the textile
  • It's longevity
  • Maintenance issues

Let'south take a look at some of the factors that may aid you decide whether or non you should cover your linoleum with laminate flooring.

Ease of Installation

Laminates are about always floating floors, which makes them extremely easy to install. In fact, you don't need to spend coin on hiring professional help – with laminate floors; it'south piece of cake to do information technology all past yourself.

Conversely, linoleum floors are unremarkably glued to a subfloor. While it is possible to install it yourself, it's usually best left to the professionals if you don't accept prior experience.

This means that while the flooring material itself is upkeep-friendly, the installation will require investment from your side.

Non merely that, just if your erstwhile linoleum isn't completely perfect, information technology will testify more on new linoleum than on laminate flooring.

Overall Look and Feel

Linoleum is fabricated using a number of natural materials, including:

  • Cork
  • Linseed oil
  • Wood flour
  • Pine rosin

These create a surface that is soft to walk on, making linoleum a bully option if you're looking for comfy floors just don't want to worry nigh the hassle of rug.

Laminate, on the other mitt, is a solid floor. It includes a hard article of clothing layer that protects the surface from damage, but this flooring is not quite as comfortable for your feet.

However, the overall look of laminate flooring is much more polished and modern than linoleum making it a smarter pick for years to come.


It is possible to observe eco-friendly laminates – nevertheless, it's a challenging process, and you lot may not be able to find something that fits both your budget and your preferred look.

Still, laminate is an all-natural product that is both biodegradable and compostable. When removing laminate in the future, you should be able to remove it without damage – unlike linoleum that is glued downward and will break as you strip it gratis from the subfloor.


Since linoleum is soft, it scratches easily. In fact, fifty-fifty high heels or the edges of furniture beingness moved effectually can cause impairment. It is possible to buff out these scratches, just that requires you to take the time to acquit out maintenance.

Laminate, on the other hand, is highly scratch-resistant. This makes information technology a great option in homes with energetic children or pets, besides as in locations that run into heavy traffic, such as your kitchen.


This is one of the biggest differentiators betwixt the two materials. Both linoleum and laminate can be budget-friendly, with laminate available in several different styles and qualities that can fit any budget.

However, over the years, linoleum has developed a reputation for being outdated and somewhat less desirable. Even cheaper laminate is seen as a better option than linoleum due to this.

While both options can increase your home's resale value compared to bare physical floors, laminate is often seen as the preferable option.

Long-Term Maintenance

Laminates can concur up and retain their look over the years, barring whatsoever major damage to the surface. Linoleum, on the other paw, can quickly suffer from sunlight damage.

Additionally, if non cleaned oft, it can start to yellow over fourth dimension, allowing its bodily age to show.

How to Install Laminate Over Linoleum

Male installing laminate flooring

Installing laminate over linoleum is normally a relatively straightforward procedure that you can complete without professional assist.

To install laminate over linoleum, follow these simple steps:

  1. Gather your tools, including a hammer, level, and pull bar.
  2. Ensure the floor is flat.
  3. Prep the area by removing molding and cleaning advisedly.
  4. Install underlay before adding laminate.
  5. Cutting and install laminate starting on the far wall.
  6. Arrange the door casings to fit the planks.
  7. Install trim and molding.

Step 1: Assemble Your Tools, Including a Hammer, Level, and Pull Bar

Having the correct tools is essential for a safe and successful task. You'll need everything from a pry bar and hammer to a jigsaw and tabular array saw for this.

If you don't accept any of these tools, you can hire sure items from your local dwelling house improvement store. However, if you've never used a ability saw before and experience unsure, it'south best to call a contractor to do the job for you.

To install laminate over linoleum, you'll demand the following:

  • Pry bar
  • Hammer
  • Level
  • Spacers
  • Jigsaw
  • Oscillating Saw
  • Affluent-cut Dovetail Saw
  • Handsaw or Table Saw
  • Tape Measure
  • Pull Bar
  • Finishing Nails
  • Molding (optional)

Footstep 2: Ensure the Floor Is Flat

You'll need to begin by making sure the floor is flat. Use a level to ostend this by moving effectually the room and taking measurements at unlike points.

If the floor is not flat, you will likely need to have someone come in and remove the old flooring to level it out. Yet, if it'due south just a very small part, you may be able to piece the linoleum to let out any air bubbles. Simply be certain to thoroughly reseal the surface area with a strong adhesive.

Step 3: Prep the Area by Removing Molding and Cleaning Advisedly

In one case the floor is flat, you'll need to remove the molding. This is the trim around the room under which the edges of your flooring sits. Make sure to exist careful when doing so, every bit you can reinstall the pieces later once you lot have finished laying down the laminate.

Adjacent, articulate any visible debris that may be present on the surface of your flooring. Once that is done, clean thoroughly with a mild detergent, vacuum, scrub, and mop.

Leave to dry completely so that the wet doesn't damage the underlayment. This should exist at least a few days to be admittedly sure in that location'due south no moisture left.

To exist totally sure, add together a couple of fans or dehumidifiers to the room.

Step 4: Install Underlay Earlier Adding Laminate

This step is crucial – you lot will need a cream underlay below laminate floors.

Make sure to use underlayment with an fastened vapor bulwark, such equally QuietWalk Plus QW100PLUS Underlayment, to provide boosted protection against the activity of moisture. Some laminate planks come with fastened underlayment, allowing y'all to skip this step.

Step five: Cutting and Install Laminate Starting on the Far Wall

In one case the flooring is prepped, cutting the first row. Unless you're very lucky, y'all'll need to cut or rip the first row of planks to size using a power saw or handsaw.

Install the Starting time Row

Make sure to get out a ¼ inch (0.635 cm) gap between the planks and the wall to allow for expansion and contraction, and start installing the first row with the tongues facing the wall.

If you're unable to connect planks tightly by paw, you can apply a hammer or a pull bar to assistance. Cutting the concluding plank of the row to fit, and save the scraps if they're at least 12 inches (30.48 cm).

Install Additional Rows

Continue installing the laminate floor, remembering to stagger the seams at least 12 inches (30.48 cm). Y'all tin can start each new row using the scrap wood you cut from the last plank of the previous row to requite a nicer, more natural aesthetic.

If you don't have smaller offcuts, carefully lay out the general design, and cutting a few boards to size.

Install the Last Row

Depending on the amount of space yous have available to you, you may need to install this row at an angle to get a skillful fit.

If necessary, pry into place using a pry bar. As with the offset row, make certain to exit a ¼ inch (0.635 cm) gap betwixt the laminate and the wall for expansion and contraction.

Step 6: Adjust the Door Casings to Fit the Planks

Door casings are added to hibernate the point where the door frame meets the wall or floor. In the case of installing flooring, you will come beyond the casings when y'all come up to the doorway.

Information technology is preferred to accept the flooring covered where it meets the door frame, which is where y'all unremarkably run across some kind of transition piece.

Use the door jamb to cut whatsoever door casings to size. They should fit higher up the planks, allowing the flooring to slide snugly under the casings.

Step seven: Install Trim and Molding

If the old piece came abroad hands, yous tin can replace the molding back into place. In some cases, yous may just demand to brighten them upwardly with some paint.

However, some people choose to buy new trim and molding even if the old didn't get damaged. These tin can hands be added with a smash gun and some forest glue.

Be conscientious not to nail through the floor into the underlayment – nails should only go through the trim and the wall.

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